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6 Steps You Can Take To Improve Your Child’s Oral Health

Westmont dentist

We know your child’s health is your top priority. That’s why we want to help you keep your children’s mouth in good health as well! By keeping their baby teeth in good condition, you can ensure that they learn how to chew and speak correctly, and also that they are set up to have healthy adult teeth in the future. To keep your child’s teeth in good health, try following these six important steps!

Step 1: Start brushing early!

Brushing your child’s teeth at a young age is a great idea. You’ll find that there are many soft-bristled toothbrushes made specifically for infants. Also, if your child doesn’t have any teeth yet, you can still wipe off their gums with a clean, wet washcloth to remove any bacteria from the mouth.

Step 2: Introduce fluoride-free toothpaste.

Once your child’s first tooth has erupted from their gums, we recommend that you begin using fluoride-free toothpaste to brush their teeth. Do not use fluoride toothpaste, however, because they will likely swallow it. You can look for toothpastes that have been made specifically for infants. By introducing toothpaste into their oral healthcare routine as soon as possible, you can fight early tooth decay and keep your child in good oral health.

Step 3: Schedule their first dentist appointment.

Protecting your child’s baby teeth is more important than you would think. According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, you should plan to schedule your child’s first dentist appointment once their first tooth arrives, but no later than their first birthday. This will help to ensure that your child does not have early dental decay and that they are on the right track to having healthy adult teeth down the road.

Step 4: Watch their thumb-sucking habits.

Sucking on the thumb or a pacifier is a natural self-soothing technique, and most babies kick the habit over time. However, you’ll want to make sure that your child doesn’t suck on their thumb past the age of three, or this could impact their teeth alignment and speech. Should they still suck on their thumb past this age, we recommend scheduling a dentist appointment to discuss your options for keeping their teeth healthy.

Step 5: Take the bottle out of the crib.

Did you know that extended exposure to sugary liquids, such as juice and even baby formula, could cause cavities in your child’s teeth? In fact, the amount of sugary liquid that your child drinks is actually not as significant as the time this liquid has to sit on their teeth. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you do not leave milk or formula in their crib overnight, as this may cause them to slowly consume these liquids for an extended time period. Instead, you might consider keeping only water in the bottle overnight.

Step 6: Avoid buying sugary foods.

There are a number of reasons to keep your children on a well-balanced diet with fruits and vegetables. Now, you can add avoiding cavities to the list! By keeping them on a low-sugar diet, you can ensure your children have healthy teeth for years to come.

Want to set up your child’s first dentist appointment in our convenient Westmont location? Call Fairview Dental today to schedule their visit today!

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(630) 852-5353